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Don’t for forget to read this Sample paper before going for CPL ATPL Meteorology Exam


By Capt S R Meena

A-58, Ramphal Chowk, Dwarka Sector-7, Delhi



Most Important Questions for Current Session

Q. The Annex to ICAO convention which is important in meteorological point of view is:


Q. When there are no clouds and visibility is 8 kms, the clouds in METAR will be reported as:


Q. The lateral distance of CWIS field site from the central line of the runway is:

a) 120 mtrs b) 80 mtrs

c) 10 mtrs d) 300 mtrs

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Q. Messages intimating serious aircraft accidents should be prefixed by:

Air crash

What are the conditions under which advection fog will be formed?
 Warm moist air over cold surface

Q. Aerodrome climatological summaries are prepared usually based on:

5 years data

Q. The meteorological parameter to be assessed at the exact hour of observation is:

Atmospheric pressure                                  

Q. A tropical low pressure system is distinguished from an extra-tropical low pressure system from their

Pressure distribution

Q. All heights in aerodrome forecast will be given as:

Heights above aerodrome elevation

Q. QNH value of 999.9 HPA rounded off as reported in MET REPORT is

999 HPA

Q. When ‘CAVOK’ is reported in MET REPORT

None of the above

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Q. Dew point is defined as:
The temperature to which moist air must be cooled to reach saturation

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Q. Speci for visibility is issued when

Visibility reduces from 6000m to 5000m

Q. When a station is reporting Mist, one would expect the visibility

1000 to 2000 m with RH greater than 75%


Q. VOLMET broadcast is made in HF by Mumbai and Kolkata Met office

Contains the respective local airports current weather along with forecast weather and their alternate also

When heading South in the Southern Hemisphere you experience Starboard drift:
You are flying away from a lower temperature

Q. SIGMET warning is issued for

Marked mountain waves                             

Q. The atmospheric element which is not appearing in a TAF is

Atmospheric pressure 

Q. Doppler shift principle is used in Doppler radar

For measurement of speed of cloud


Q. ‘Tempo’ in a trend forecast means

Less than 1 hr.


Q. SPECI is issued for the occurrence of:

All of the above     


Q. The averaging period of wind in METAR is:

10 minutes


The environmental lapse rate in the real atmosphere:
 Varies with time


Q. Thunderstorm is expected over an aerodrome. The Airport meteorological office of the aerodrome should issue immediately:

An aerodrome warning


Q. METAR VIDP 180140Z 25010KT 1000 R14/600 FG SCT015 SCT025 10/10 Q1015 TEMPO TL0250 R14 / 800

The wind reported in the above METAR IS:

250 ° 10 knot


Q. METAR VIDP 180140Z 25010KT 1000 R14/600 FG SCT015 SCT025 10/10 Q1015 TEMPO TL0250 R14 / 800  The TREND forecast in the above METAR is valid for:

From 0140 UTC to 0250 UTC


Q. METAR VIDP 180140Z 25010KT 1000 R14/600 FG SCT015 SCT025 10/10 Q1015 TEMPO TL0250 R14 / 800. The air and dew point temperatures reported in the above METAR are:

10°C and 10°C


Q.METAR VIDP 180140Z 25010KT 1000 R14/600 FG SCT015 SCT025 10/10 Q1015 TEMPO TL0250 R14 / 800. The reported visibility in the above METAR IS:



Q. SPECI for visibility is reported when the visibility value changes to or passes:

none of the above


Q. SPECI is issued at the intervals of:

Whenever changes of operational importance occur in the elements


Q. In India, SIGMET messages are originated by:

All Met. Watch offices


Q. The 24 hour TAFs are updated

Every 6 hour

Where do you get freezing rain?
Rain falling from an inversion into an area below 0°C

Q. The atmospheric element which is not appearing in a TAF is

Atmospheric pressure                      


Q. The code word CAVOK is used to replace

Visibility, weather and cloud groups


Q. A SPECI is issued by an aviation Met. Office when:

Whenever there are significant changes in weather conditions as per criteria laid down by ICAO


Q. VOLMET broadcast consists of:



Q. In METAR windshear at low levels are reported:

As supplementary information


Q. A SPECI is issued whenever significant changes taken place in:

Wind, visibility, weather clouds, RVR and temperature


Q. A SIGMET are issued:

8 times a day


Q. TAF VABB 252100Z 260009 24005KT 300U FU SCT020 BECMG 0406 6000 SCT020 BKN090 TEMPO 0709 2000 TSRA SCT 020CB OVC 080

Q. In the above TAF wind expected is:

240 deg 05 knots


Q. TAF VABB 252100Z 260009 24005KT 3000 FU SCT020 BECMG 0406 6000 SCT020 BKNO90 TEMPO 0709 2000 TSRA SCT 020CB OVC 080. From the above TAF, visibility expected at 0730UTC is:                     

2000 m


Q. SIGMET can be issued for

Volcanic ash cloud

Q. If the duration of a flight is 3 hrs, the minimum validity of the ROFOR should be:

6 hrs

Q. What is the min. temperature according to ISA?

Q. A SPECI representing an improvement in conditions should be disseminated

Only after the improvement has been maintained for 10 minutes

Q. Reports for landing / take-off should be issued

As requested by aircrew/ATS units             


Q. CAVOK is not to be used in:


Q. The code word ‘VV’ in ROFOR/ARFOR indicates

c) Vertical wind shear in knots per 300 metres d) Present weather

Q. In a TREND forecast, a change is expected to begin at midnight UTC, the time is indicated as:

FM 0000

Q. Vertical visibility is reported:

When the sky is obscured

Q. Aerodrome warning is issued for the phenomenon:

All of the above

Q. Aerodrome warning is intended for

Aircraft on the ground and the aerodrome facilities and services


Q. The duration of the change group indicator ‘BECMG’ in a trend forecast shall be: a) Normally 4 hours

Normally not to exceed 2 hours and in any case shall not exceed 4 hours

Q. Aerodrome warnings should be issued:

At least half to 1 hour prior to the expected occurrence of the warning elements

Q.The validity period of aerodrome warning:

Should not exceed 4 hours


Q. Validity period of TREND forecast is

2 hrs

Q. The values of air temperature 9.5°C and dew point temperature 4.5°C will be reported in METAR as:


Q. Nephoscope is an instrument used to:

Observe the movement of clouds

Q. The validity periods of TAFs that are being issued in India are:

9 & 24 hrs


Q. Aircraft reports CAT on a flight to ATC. What is issued by Met office?


Q. In METAR cloud heights are reported in hundreds of ft above:

Surface at the station of the airport


Q. Without the ability to de-ice or land immediately, what should you do if you encounter rain ice at about 2,000ft?
Turn around immediately before loss of controllability.

Q. RVR is:

Usually greater than Met visibility

Q. METAR winds are meaned over the——-period immediately preceding the time of observation.

10 min                                                  


Forecast upper wind and temperature for aviation

Q. SPECI is not issued for the onset, cessation or change in intensity of the phenomenon


Q. SPECI is issued when RVR changes to or passes



Q. In METAR, cloud types are indicated

For significant convective clouds


Q. When a TREND is included at the end of a METAR, the trend is a forecast valid for:

2 hours after the time of observation

Q. On the route London to Bombay, which feature would you most likely encounter between 30E and 50E.
Sub tropical jet in excess of 90kts

Q. A METAR may be defined as being:

A routine weather report concerning a specific aerodrome


Q. The code “BECMG FM 1100 –RASH” in a METAR means:

Becoming from 1100UTC slight rain showers


Q. The weather group RERA in a TAF means:

Recent rain


Q. What does the abbreviation “nosig” mean?

No significant changes


Q. What does the term TREND signify?

It is a brief landing forecast added to the actual weather report


Q. In which of the following circumstances is a SIGMET issued?

Marked mountain waves.

Q. An unsaturated parcel of air is forced to rise through an isothermal layer. As long as it stays unsaturated the temperature of the parcel will
Decrease at 1.0 deg C per 100m

Q. What is the wind speed given in a METAR report based on?

The average speed of the previous 10 minutes


Q. What does the term METAR signify?

A METAR signifies the actual weather report at an aerodrome and is generally issued in half-hourly intervals.

What happens in a warm occlusion?
Warm air behind the cold front overrides the cold air in front of the warm front

Q. What is haze?
poor visibility due to dust or sand


Q. Which of the following weather reports is a warning of conditions that could be potentially hazardous to aircraft in flight?



Q. What is a trend forecast?

A landing forecast appended to METAR/SPECI, valid for 2 Hours


Q. SIGMET information is issued as a warning for significant weather to

  1. VFR operations only b. heavy aircraft only
  2. all aircraft d. light aircraft only


Q. How long from the time of observation is a TREND in a METAR valid?

2 hours.


Q. What is a SPECI?

A selected special aerodrome weather report, issued when a significant change of the weather conditions have been observed.


Q. METARs of main airports are compiled and distributed with intervals of

0.5 hour         


Q. The wind direction in a METAR is measured relative to

True north


Q. In METAR messages, the pressure group represents the

QNH rounded down to the nearest hPa.